I arrived in Kiev from a long flight and called Luda without prior notice and checked into an apartment that was recommended by Luda. She said to come to her office afterwards which she gave directions to my taxi driver. I arrived at her personal apartment and I was invited to come inside. She told […]

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Western Men! I hope that this small writing helps you better understand what you are about to enter into by dating in Ukraine. First, I don’t want to write a letter that paints with wide brush strokes, there are plenty of wonderful women in Ukraine, and then not so wonderful. I am going to try […]

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Vengo fuori da una triste esperienza matrimoniale. Mia moglie dopo cinque anni di matrimonio mi ha tradito con un uomo che si è approfittato della sua apparente amicizia entrando in casa, innamorandosi di lei ed approfittando delle mie assenze da casa per lavoro per parlare male di me. L’’ha manipolata mentalmente ed hanno presto iniziato […]

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